Creator Credits

Tag site contributors in Creator Credits.

We’re transitioning to a new UI, and are in the process of updating our Webflow University content.

Site owners can tag agencies, freelancers, and any other site contributors in a site’s Creator Credits. Then, contributors can showcase the site to Made in Webflow and to their creator or partner profile — even if the site doesn’t live within their own Workspace.

With Creator Credits, freelancers and agencies who transfer a site to their clients — or build a site directly in their client’s Workspace — can still showcase the site to their personal or Workspace profile and on Made in Webflow. Up to 3 contributors can be added to a site’s Creator Credits. In Creator Credits, you can tag:

  • Someone’s personal creator profile
  • A Workspace creator profile

Contributors can showcase a site even if the site owner doesn’t showcase it. Additionally, all Made in Webflow page details for that site (e.g., the site’s description, thumbnail, tags) are applicable only to that site. So, for instance, if a site contributor and the site owner showcase the same site, their Made in Webflow pages for that site are separate from each other.

Note: If a contributor is added to the Creator Credits on a site in someone else’s Workspace, that site does not count against the contributor’s own Workspace’s unhosted site limits. 
Note: You don’t need any Site or Workspace plan to tag someone on a site’s Creator Credits. However, a paid plan (either a Site plan or Workspace plan) is required to showcase a site to Made in Webflow.

In this lesson, you’ll learn:

  1. How to add a contributor to Creator Credits
  2. How to remove a contributor from Creator Credits

How to add a contributor to Creator Credits

As a freelancer, agency, or site contributor, you can ask the site owner to tag you in the Creator Credits — or, if you’re a guest in your client’s Workspace, you can tag yourself.

To add a contributor to a site’s Creator Credits, you’ll need their profile handle. This appears in their Expert or creator profile URL and starts with “@”. For example, if someone’s creator profile URL is “”, their handle is “@starlightagency”.

To add a contributor to a site’s Creator Credits:

  1. Go to Site settings > General > Showcase site
  2. Type the contributor’s profile handle in the Creator Credits field
  3. Click Save changes

The contributor will be notified via email that they’ve been added to the site’s Creator Credits. Then, they can showcase that site on Made in Webflow. Site contributors will only be able to showcase the site to the specific profile that you tagged in the Creator Credits.

Note: When a contributor showcases a site where they’re tagged in Creator Credits, the showcased site is directly tied to the live site. Any future changes to the site will automatically reflect on the showcased site. If a site contributor doesn’t want future changes to the site to affect the showcased site, we recommend they copy the original site into their Workspace and showcase that site copy.

How to remove a contributor from Creator Credits

When you remove a contributor from a site’s Creator Credits, they’ll no longer be able to showcase the site to Made in Webflow or display the site on their public profile. 

If they already showcased the site to Made in Webflow or added it to their public profile, it’ll be automatically removed. In this case, all metadata (likes, clones, and views) associated with that site is preserved and will reappear if the contributor is re-added to the site’s Creator Credits in the future.

To remove a contributor from a site’s Creator Credits:

  1. Go to Site settings > General > Showcase site
  2. Click the “X” next to the contributor’s profile handle in the Creator Credits field
  3. Click Remove Creator Credit

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