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Webflow 101
Test your web design and development knowledge learned in the Webflow 101 course with questions about the principles of the web, like the box model, HTML and CSS.
Take ExamLayouts Certification Level 1
Test your knowledge of HTML and CSS for web layouts and element positioning.
Take ExamLayouts Certification Level 2
Test your knowledge of more advanced web layout and element positioning.
Take ExamCMS Certification
Test your knowledge of more advanced Webflow CMS, including building a CMS, filtering your CMS lists, and best practices.
Take Exam
Time travel Badge
Achieved when completed 100% of the 21 days Portfolio course.

Newbie Badge
Achieved when completed these lessons: The box model for beginners, Intro to HTML for beginners, Intro to CSS for beginners, and Introducing Webflow

Accessibility Badge
Achieved when completed 100% of the accessibility course.

Webflow Badge
Achieved when completed 100% of the Webflow 101 course.

Ryan Reynolds Badge
Achieved when completed 100% of the Landing page generator for Ryan Reynolds.

Freelance Badge
Achieved when completed 100% of the freelancer's course.