Workspace roles and permissions

As you add members to your Workspace, you can control who can access sensitive controls like billing details, or take important actions like publishing the website.

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Workspace-level roles and permissions

Note: Workspace-level permissions are available on the Core, Growth, Freelancer, Agency, and Enterprise Workspace plans.

At the Workspace level, you can invite and set teammates as owners, admins, members, guests, and commenters with varying levels of permissions for each. Let’s walk through each of the roles and how you can set and modify them. 

Workspace owner role

Owners can:

  • Edit the Workspace plan and settings
  • Add, update, or remove the credit card on file
  • Update invoicing settings
  • Download invoices
  • Access all sites within a Workspace
  • Invite and remove members from the Workspace
  • Manage member permissions
  • Configure integrations
  • Update Workspace templates
  • Request transfer of Workspace ownership to an admin 
  • Delete the Workspace
  • Edit sites in edit mode
  • Create, view, and resolve comments

Workspace admin role

Admins can:

  • Edit the Workspace plan and settings
  • Add, update, or remove the credit card on file
  • Update invoicing settings
  • Download invoices
  • Access all sites within a Workspace
  • Invite and remove members from the Workspace (excluding removal of the owner)
  • Manage member permissions
  • Configure integrations
  • Update Workspace templates
  • Edit sites in edit mode
  • Create, view, and resolve comments

Workspace member role

Members can:

  • Download invoices
  • Access all sites to which they have access
  • Configure integrations
  • Update Workspace templates
  • Edit sites in edit mode
  • Create, view, and resolve comments
Note: Members cannot access the Team page in a Workspace.

Workspace guest role

Guests can:

  • Access all sites to which they have access
  • Configure integrations
  • Update Workspace templates
  • Edit sites in edit mode
  • Create, view, and resolve comments

Learn more about the Agency or Freelancer guest role.

Workspace commenter role

Commenters can:

  • Access all sites to which they have access
  • Create, view, and resolve comments
  • Preview sites

When you add someone as a commenter, you won’t be able to change their site-level role from Can comment.

Set or modify Workspace roles

When you invite a new member to your Workspace, you can select their Workspace role, site role, and publishing permissions prior to sending the invite.

You can also modify your members’ roles in Workspace settings > Team tab.

Learn more about how to invite team members to your Workspace.

Site-level roles and permissions

On a site-by-site level, you can control which members can publish sites or take administrative actions like deleting or transferring sites out of your Workspace. Learn how to set or modify site-level roles and permissions.

By default, all Workspace members (except those with a commenter role) are able to design and publish sites in your Workspace, and Workspace owners and admins can take administrative actions for all sites. All Workspace members can have 1 of 5 roles assigned to them, with varying levels of permissions for each. Let’s walk through them.

Site admin role

Members with a Site admin role can: 

  • Manage site-level permissions
  • Transfer the site out of the Workspace
  • Archive the site
  • Manage and view billing information
  • Purchase a Site plan for the site
  • Open the site in and design in the Designer
  • Create new classes and components
  • Modify existing classes and components
  • Publish changes to the live site
  • Create and merge page branches
  • Edit sites in edit mode
  • Use Library components and variables

Can design role

Members with a Can design role can: 

  • Open the site in and design in the Designer
  • Create new classes
  • Modify existing classes and components
  • Make changes to the site and publish single items in CMS Collections 
  • Publish the entire site only when you toggle Can publish “on”
  • Create and merge page branches
  • Edit sites in edit mode
  • Use Library components and variables

Can design (limited) role

Note: The Can design (limited) role is only available to Webflow Enterprise customers and Enterprise Partners. 

Members with a Can design (limited) role can:

  • Open the site in and design in the Designer
  • Create new classes
  • Modify classes they create, but cannot modify existing classes or components
  • Make changes to the site and publish single items in CMS Collections, but cannot publish the entire site
  • Create and merge page branches
  • Edit sites in edit mode
  • Use components and variables from shared Libraries

Because members with this role can create new classes, that functionality extends to creating new combo classes from existing global classes, too. 

Note: Members with a Can design (limited) role cannot modify variables.

A member with the Can design (limited) role creates a new combo class from existing individual global classes (e.g., when paired together, the “hero-section” and “grid” classes form a combo class).

Members with the Can design (limited) role can override individual global class’s inherited values (e.g., individual “hero-section” and “grid” class values) in a new combo class. However, the overridden values in the combo class won’t affect the original values of the individual global classes. 

A member with the Can design (limited) role has created a new combo class from existing individual global classes (e.g., the 2 global classes “hero-section” and “grid”). Because the combo class is new, the member can make changes in the Style panel, and override values inherited from the 2 individual global classes in the new combo class.

Can edit role

Members with a Can edit role can:

  • Open the site in edit mode or the Editor
  • Edit text, links and images (excluding background images) and manage site assets and alt text
  • Edit content on components with component properties
  • Add, edit, and publish new Collection items in the Collections panel
  • Add, edit, and publish new Ecommerce products, categories, and discounts
  • Modify page settings (i.e., set page password protection, edit SEO title and meta description, and edit Open Graph settings)
  • View and download form submissions in Site settings
  • Publish the entire site only when you toggle Can publish “on”
  • Create and update page branches, and edit content on page branches
  • View the Site Activity log
  • Create, view, and resolve comments
Note: Some of the above functionality may not be available for content editors working in the Editor (rather than in edit mode). Learn more about Editor permissions
Note: Members with the Can edit role won’t be able to access site backups.

Can comment role

Members with the Can comment role can:

  • Create, view, and resolve comments
  • Preview sites
Note: Members with the Can comment role are restricted to existing comment limitations. That is, they won’t be able to comment on components, Collection items in the CMS panel, or elements that are only visible through custom code or animations. Learn more about comments.

Set or modify site-level roles and permissions

Site admins and Workspace admins on Core, Freelancer, Growth, Agency, and Enterprise Workspace plans can set or modify site-level roles for teammates and guests. Site admins and Workspace admins on Agency, Growth, and Enterprise Workspace plans can set publishing permissions for teammates and guests.

Edit site-level roles and permissions for teammates and guests

To edit site-level permissions for teammates and guests in your Workspace, and control who can publish the entire website:

  1. Go to Site settings for the site whose members you want to manage
  2. Go to Team tab > Site access

In this section, you’ll find a list of all Workspace members as well as their respective site roles. Here, you can update roles and toggle the Can publish permission for other site members and guests. 

If you’ve restricted any team members from publishing, they’ll still be able to publish individual CMS items that don’t impact any in-progress designs. However, they will not be able to publish the whole site at once, which can safeguard against accidentally pushing in-progress work to the live site.

Note: The Can publish toggle is locked for members with the Site admin, Can design (limited), and Can comment role.

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