Save and publish Collection items

Use save and publishing options to manage content on your site.

We’re transitioning to a new UI, and are in the process of updating our Webflow University content.

When you create a new Collection item or edit an existing Collection item, you can choose from various saving and publishing options. These options include:

Save or publish option Sets CMS item status to... Affects publishing by...
Create “Staged for publish” Publishes the Collection item live the next time your entire site is published
Publish “Published” Publishes the Collection item live immediately
Save as draft “Draft” Saves the Collection item as a draft. The item will not go live until you change its status, even if your entire site is published. If already live, unpublishes the item from the live site on the next full-site publish. The item is not affected by other drafted or staged content.
Stage for publish “Staged for publish” Publishes the Collection item live the next time your entire site is published
Unpublish “Draft” Removes the Collection item from the live site immediately
Schedule “Scheduled [date/time]” (becomes “Published” once the item is live) Publishes the Collection item live at a specified date and time
Archive “Archived” If already live, removes the Collection item from the live site the next time your entire site is published. If staged or scheduled for publish, cancels the staged or scheduled publishing. Archived items remain in the CMS and can be unarchived.
Note: Single-item publishing is helpful when staging site design changes that aren’t yet ready to go live with a site-wide publish, because those works-in-progress won’t go live when you single-item publish a CMS item. However, when your site’s domains have different publish times or your site is restored from backup, single-item publishing and unpublishing are blocked. You can unblock publishing and unpublishing by full-site publishing, which syncs the publish dates across your connected domains.

Learn more about creating, saving, and publishing Collection items.

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