Disable spellcheck with custom attributes

Use custom attributes to control spellcheck.

We’re transitioning to a new UI, and are in the process of updating our Webflow University content.

You can change the behavior of the spellcheck HTML attribute (typically assumed by web browsers to be on by default) in your text fields — for example, to disable spellcheck in form fields that collect site visitors’ names, which browsers may not recognize. 

To disable spellcheck on a text field: 

  1. Select the text field on the canvas
  2. Go to Element settings panel > Custom attributes
  3. Click the “plus” icon 
  4. Enter “spellcheck” in the Name field
  5. Enter “false” in the Value field 

Once you publish your site, the red spellcheck line won’t appear in your text field. That’s (part of) the power of HTML attributes! Learn more about HTML attributes.

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