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Zoom in: Goals

Goals act like a benchmark that lets you analyze the results of your tests, measure success, and optimize your website to drive more conversions.

Zoom in: Goals

Goals act like a benchmark that lets you analyze the results of your tests, measure success, and optimize your website to drive more conversions.

Types of goals

  • AutoGoal - To start, Webflow Optimize will automatically generate an AutoGoal that tracks actions visitors take on a page after seeing a variation, such as engaging with a page rather than navigating away.
  • Click goal - You can choose which specific clickable page elements to target and track in each of your optimizations. For example, you can track clicks on a specific button on a page.
  • Form submission goals (via integration) - Enterprise account plans can integrate with tools such as Marketo or HubSpot to create custom goals around form submissions.

If your optimization only has one goal, it's automatically set as the Primary goal. If your optimization has more than one goal, you can change an optimization's primary goal.

It's not possible to edit an AutoGoal at this time. Instead, you can create a new click goal.

How optimizations use goals

Goals are used to benchmark results a little differently depending on the optimization type.

  • Manual personalization - Goals display the performance of each variation (i.e., its conversion rate), with each audience.
  • Traditional tests - Goals display performance and determine which variation wins (i.e., the one with the highest conversion rate).
  • AI-optimized - Goals display performance and determine how the AI measures success, and thus which variations to show future visitors (i.e., variations that perform well are shown to more visitors).
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Getting Started

Getting Started
Getting Started
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Intro to Optimize
Intro to Optimize
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Recap: Intro
Recap: Intro
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Start optimizing your site
Start optimizing your site
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Recap: Start optimizing
Recap: Start optimizing
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Zoom in: Goals
Zoom in: Goals
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