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Recap: Start optimizing
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Recap: Start optimizing

In the previous video lesson, you learned the five major steps of the optimization process.

Recap: Start optimizing

In the previous video lesson, you learned the five major steps of the optimization process.

1. Build optimizations & variations

Identify where you want to optimize on your website. Then, create a new optimization and begin building variations in the Webflow canvas. Once set up, follow your typical workflow in Webflow to create variations. For example, add and style new elements such as headings and CTAs just as you would on the base site.

2. Stay on track with goals

Goals let you track and measure conversions. A conversion is counted when a visitor takes the action your optimization's primary goal is tracking. For example, if the goal is tracking clicks for a Subscribe button, a conversion is counted each time a visitor clicks Subscribe. To start, Webflow Optimize will automatically generate an AutoGoal.

3. Preview & QA your setup

Before launching, make sure all variations display correctly across all breakpoints such as desktop, tablet, and mobile. You can preview any variation by first selecting the variation in the Optimize menu at the top of the browser, then clicking Preview. You can also publish each optimization to your staging environment before publishing to your production environment.

4. Launch your optimizations

Once everything’s ready, with just a couple of clicks, you can launch all variations created for your optimization. In order to launch, you will need to publish your site.

5. Analyze & iterate

Use Webflow’s detailed reporting and audience insights to visualize how different types of visitors engage with your site. After the results are in, you can take the learnings from optimizations to try new variations or audiences. And for AI Optimizations, you can disable poorly performing variations and add additional variations to optimize further.

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Getting Started

Getting Started
Getting Started
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Intro to Optimize
Intro to Optimize
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Recap: Intro
Recap: Intro
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Start optimizing your site
Start optimizing your site
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Recap: Start optimizing
Recap: Start optimizing
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Zoom in: Goals
Zoom in: Goals
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Zoom in: Goals

Goals act like a benchmark that lets you analyze the results of your tests, measure success, and optimize your website to drive more conversions.
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